About Bri 

Bri is a soul guide and a trauma resolution healer who has helped hundreds of people who are blocked & stuck in unpleasant states & patterns of disharmony change their relationship to their body, move into inner peace and live an aligned life.

In 2009, Bri opened her private practice in the city of San Clemente with a degree in psychology, having studied art therapy, soul healing, reiki, energy healing and massage therapy. After practicing for several years Bri wove together ‘Soul Alignment Healing’, a method that supports people in resolving energetic blocks and imprints within the soul as they moved into greater spiritual alignment.

In 2017, Bri went back to school & immersed herself in body-based trauma resolution (last five training programs under Education & Training) after noticing that some trauma imprints could not completely resolve & heal through psychological or energetic methods. Clients were coming in with ‘energy based’ complaints & symptoms but the root of the issue was from traumatic experiences that were still alive and trapped in the body.

As Bri emersed herself in these different body-based trauma resolution methods she discovered a variety of different interventions, applications and approaches that were extremely effective for each trauma category as well as the different nervous system patterns. Bri has been successfully weaving these methods into her private practice as she customizes each client’s treatment plan to meet their individual needs.

Along with her private practice Bri is also a teacher, group facilitator and jewelry designer. She has created several experiential trauma informed groups for women and created curriculums on specialty topics where she teaches about healing and transformation. Painting and jewelry making has been something she has engaged with since childhood and she now creates healing jewelry, designing the pieces by using their therapeutic mineral make up to work synergistically with the energy body. Click the links below to learn more.

Education & Training

San Diego University of Integrative Studies
B.A. Humanistic Psychology, with a heavy emphasis in Expressive Arts Therapy

The Soul College for Spiritual Healing
Soul Memory Discovery Facilitator
Indigo Spiritual Healer

California Academy for the Healing Arts
Reiki Master/Teacher
Certified Energy Work Therapist
Certified Energy Work Practitioner
Licensed Massage Therapist

Academy of the Healing Arts
Traditional Chinese Herbal Studies

Tantric Institute of Integrative Studies
Certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach

The Foundation for Human Enrichment
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Yamuna School of Education
Yamuna Body Rolling Practitioner

Integral Body Institute
Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Practitioner

Alchemical Alignment Training Program

Alchemical Alignment: Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit Practitioner


My Personal Healing Journey

When I look back upon my younger years, I feel deep gratitude and a sense of awe as I recognize the vast difference between then and now.

I was born with a condition called bi-lateral hip dysplasia, it’s a fancy term that means both of my hips were dislocated. And it was not caught until I was 3 ½ years old. Upon discovery, I was immediately scheduled for reconstructive hip surgery.

Well, there were some complications…

Fast forward to age 11, I was having my 10th reconstructive surgery!

My childhood consisted of years in a full body cast, learning how to pop-a-wheelie in a wheelchair, and brief episodes on crutches as I tried to learn balance, stability and how to walk.

Needless to say, I was the deformed cripple girl at school. I hated my body; I couldn’t even look at my scars let alone bare to see myself naked in the mirror. I suffered with chronic pain, depression, isolation, had little to no boundaries, and was drowning in shame.

This has been the biggest defining trauma that infiltrated every area of my life. And because of it, I was susceptible, and consequently endured other types of traumas. The effects all settled into my mind, heart, body, and soul, and created huge blocks around truly being ME in the world.

And yet, somewhere deep inside of me, I believed that healing was possible. I believed that I could overcome all of it. That I could find a way to live pain free, and that radical transformation was ‘A Thing’. I believed that I could obtain a normal and healthy body, and that I could somehow, someday walk and “be” like everyone else.

This vision anchored deep within my being, and it became my purpose and focus in life.

At 18 I started therapy, and it was game on. Therapy was amazing and only took me so far, so I began exploring different methods of healing. On this journey, I learned secret truths, discovered specific approaches, and uncovered the “right conditions” for healing.


I healed. I transformed. I blossomed. And I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT MYSELF! I now feel light and free, and move through life joyfully, with ease and grace, as a magically radiant and confident woman.


What I Believe About Healing

I don’t just believe, I know that “healing is possible”. And I discovered the secrets to healing and trauma resolution.

I believe that anyone can heal and transform! That we all are capable and worthy of feeling deeply alive, at peace, whole, happy and free. No matter how impossibly stuck you may feel.

Healing is magically fluid and it is also a science that has specific medicines, right timing and right conditions. And when these are in place, healing and transformation occurs naturally.

And most importantly, that you hold within you, your own answers and inner wisdoms, as well as your own original blueprint for perfect health. I am not here “to heal you”, but to be a guide that supports you in unwinding the wounding from the fabric of your being. So that your original truth, your soul’s essence naturally begins to emerge.

It takes courage to heal, for it requires you to turn towards your wounding and what isn’t working for you. It is much easier to stay in a space of denial or distracted by some vice, not to mention all the scrolling options that we have at our fingertips these days.

Everyone has their own journey and pathway for healing. Sometimes it is easiest for people to start with 1 on 1 sessions, with a trusted, safe guide. Who has an intimate understanding of trauma, and who has walked the path to wholeness.

Other times it is more suitable to begin in a group setting. To surround yourself with other people who are on a similar path. And to be nourished and supported by this, as you hear bits and pieces of your story mirrored back to you.

Wherever you are, is right where you need to be. The fact that you are reading this indicates you are ready for this journey.